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Welcome to our Travel Policy Benchmarking tool. The aim of this tool is to assist you in creating your travel policy and benchmark it against others within your industry.

As the world starts to consider what travel will look like there is no better way to begin re-evaluating or improving your travel policy than understanding where you sit within the market.

This tool will do that for you, you can then use this and subsequent information to ensure that your travel policy is as effective as possible and your travelers are cared for and your employees can get as much out of business travel as possible.

This questionnaire will take around 2 minutes to complete.

Are you currently a client with Corporate Traveler?
Do you have a Travel Policy and how effective is it?
Where do you need help?
Do you have any Travel Approval procedures?
Where do you need help?
How Well Does your Policy Drive Cost Savings & Compliance?
Where do you need help?
At what stage do you allow Business Class travel?
Where do you need help?
How often do you measure the performance of your Travel Policy through reporting?
Where do you need help?
Do you have up to date Duty of Care, Health & Safety guidelines?
Where do you need help?